Filipe MacêdoHow to set GitBash as the default NPM script runner on WindowsThe issueJan 14, 20221Jan 14, 20221
Filipe MacêdoOh, My ZSH! with Powerline Fonts. Pretty simple as you deserve!I don’t know you but I like to see my terminal with colors and icons that help me to see where and what I am doing.Jan 17, 20213Jan 17, 20213
Filipe MacêdoASP.NET Core on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker image through GitHub, CodeBuild, and CodePipeline…Hi there,Sep 15, 20201Sep 15, 20201
Filipe MacêdoStandalone application with Electron, React, and SQLite stack.Sometimes we need to build some kind of application that does not need to consume any online service and we need to store data at the same…Jul 31, 202010Jul 31, 202010